Decided to give this whole raw thing a shot myself, in conditions that I typically find myself shooting in: dusty/sandy white sky (that always gets blown out) or macro for detail.
I never really thought that 5D had a “soft” image, but after my own comparisons, it’s like the regular 5D shooting has vaseline on the lens.
The workflow I used was taking the .RAW file, using RAWmagic to convert to CinemaDNG, and then simple auto colour and bring down highlights with Adobe Camera Raw and export to TIFF. i skipped exporting to ProRes and just worked with the image sequences in premiere… and even so, file sizes are HUGE. This test, in total, is about 36gb!!!!
I also found it interesting that what I thought was often just my focus set wrong when wide open on the 16-35mm… is actually just the shitty codec not able to resolve any of the detail. Definitely shooting raw for wide shots from now on I think.
- tests
- tests